The Biohort LeisureTime 210 Gallon Deck Box will keep your outdoor gear safe, dry, and organized. Designed and manufactured in Austria of sturdy and durable galvanized steel, the LeisureTime box is engineered to last. Its understated and timeless look will compliment your backyard, pool, terrace, or patio. A perfect stylish storage box solution for your large poolside accessories, patio chair pads, seat cushions, covers, yard accessories, lawn games, or equipment. Built with an easy-to-open hinged lid for convenient opening when in use as well as a key lock for security when not in use.
- Sturdy, flat lid which is easy to wipe and clean
- Top-quality materials: hot-dipped galvanized and polyamide coated steel plate
- Convenient lid opening with gas assisted spring damper
- Rain proof box made of metal
- Twist grip with cylinder lock includes spare key
- Invisible, integrated ventilation
- Stainless steel screws and hinges
- Easy to assemble with photo illustrated assembly manual
- 20-year guarantee
20 Years Limited Warranty.